Two Sides.

"There are two sides to every argument, until you take one." Rather than letting these little arguments effect us, we have to sidestep them. Why don't we quit while we're ahead, before we get to deep in? The post argument happens because of one word "okay". Why? We always want to be right, we want to know we were 100% right from the start. When we know we're heading down the wrong road... why do we keep going? Why don't we close our mouths & drop the subject? Why do we loose our control in arguments? Our emoitions take over our logic. We get to the point when we're done with the other person. Over what? A stupid little fight that was could have eaisly been resolved has now turned into a battle. Is it really worth all the little arguments? Is it worth the stress of it happening over and over? When is enough enough?

Pick your battles wisley. You'll get to the breaking point if you don't.

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