What Are You Grateful For?

You know those stupid little moments that happen in life that you wouldn't change for the world? That's what I'm grateful for. The sun shining in  my room every morning, for the pooh bear blanket that keeps me warm. My dogs running to me when I get home, for always having a welcome place to live. Knowing one more year I'll be done with school, and going to boot camp. Having a family who is crazy, who understands what life's about. For a best friend who is willing to do whatever my crazy mind comes up with, even though she knows it's a stupid idea. For a boyfriend who makes me beyond happy, like no other one has. Parents who let me mess up in life, so I know how it is in the real world. Holding hands when I get scared during movies, cuddling all night so I don't have night mares. Eating like it's going out to style, then jogging it all  off with your friend in the morning. For all those spur of the moment road trips. For all the relationships that have failed. For all the friends I lost. For all the mistakes I made, I'm grateful for it all. I wouldn't change a single moment in my life.

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